I design and make ornaments because it is, for me, an essential aspect of being total man. The element of adorning is dormant in every human being, and is the crystallization of human conditions, circumstances, ideas, emotions and much more.
The expensiveness, high economic value, or even exclusivity of the ornament are of minor importance. Anything can serve as an ornament: a piece of elastic or a safety pin as easily as a diamond, gold or silver.
What counts, is the change of function of materials and objects that are, in my opinion, interpretable in the plural for and towards the adorning. What also counts is, what the ornament expresses, for its designer as well as for its wearer.
This era brings forth a vast scala of new materials and form possibilities. It fascinates me because it affords the possibility of endless experimenting in this field.
Amsterdam/NL 1973

PVC transparant with push-button
Usage and application of materials is strongly locality-bound. It so happened that I found the material for this bracelet in a pillar of this, our economically structured society: a factory. The material is used for folding doors and conveyor-belts.
Its elastic flexibility and its transparency fascinated me. With the technically simple connecting possibility of the push-button, I managed to make an adorning element of this material.
The execution of this design is little labour-intensive.
If there should be any demand for it, it could easily be made in large quantities.
Permanent Collection 'Het Kruithuis', Museum of Contemporary Art, s’Hertogenbosch/NL 1989
Permanent Collection Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam/NL 1974
Permanent Collection Benno Premsela/NL 1974
Selection of Ornaments